If you have already translated your game into German, then allowing me to edit your translation will make it sound much more natural to native German speakers, especially if your English is a little rusty.
Continue reading “Editing”Localization English-German / German-English
If you need more than having your game translated from English to German, or German to English, then you probably want to take advantage of my localization service. It doesn’t matter if it’s rulebooks, card descriptions, player mats, player aids, general in-game text, marketing material, video closed captions and subtitles, audio transcripts and pretty much anything else. Localization means all your game materials are appropriate for your German-speaking target audience and all text reads as if it was written in German in the first place, rather than translated from English – or, of course, vice versa.
Continue reading “Localization English-German / German-English”pawn
noun | /pɔːn/ | (pl) pawns |
?? ?? ?? Pöppel (n), Spielstein (n)
noun | /ˈruːl.bʊk/ | (pl) rulebooks |
?? ?? ?? Regeln (n)
noun | /taɪl/ | (pl) tiles |
?? ?? ?? Kachel (n)
Translation English-German / German-English
I can translate your game from English to German, or German to English – whether it is rulebooks, card descriptions, player mats, player aids, general in-game text, marketing material, video closed captions and subtitles, audio transcripts and pretty much anything else.
Continue reading “Translation English-German / German-English”Podcast Editing
I run two podcasts, so I’m very familiar with making recorded audio sound amazing. So if you need help with editing your own podcast, please get in touch and I’m very happy to help.
Continue reading “Podcast Editing”Audio Transcription
I can transcribe your videos, podcasts or any other audio content to text, allowing you to create your own sub titles and making your content accessible for deaf and hard of hearing people.
Continue reading “Audio Transcription”heavy game
noun | /ˈhevi ɡeɪm/ | (pl) heavy games |
?? ?? ?? Expertenspiel (n)
complex game
noun | /ˈkɒmpleks ɡeɪm/ | (pl) complex games |
?? ?? ?? Kennerspiel (n)
card drafting
trick-taking game
Video Closed Captions and Subtitles
I can create English and German closed captions and subtitles for your videos, which are compatible with popular platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.
Continue reading “Video Closed Captions and Subtitles”