Audio Transcription

I can transcribe your videos, podcasts or any other audio content to text, allowing you to create your own sub titles and making your content accessible for deaf and hard of hearing people.

I offer three types of transcription services, so you can choose what you need for your specific situation. I am happy to discuss these options with you and help you decide what the best solution is for you.

You can see examples of my work at the bottom of this page.

Huge thanks to Make My Game Travel for providing the paid transcription service. Can't thank them enough for their efficiency.

Richard Simpson from We're Not Wizards -

Make My Game Travel

Richard Simpson from We're Not Wizards -

Huge thanks to Make My Game Travel for providing the paid transcription service. Can't thank them enough for their efficiency.
Make My Game Travel

Irrespective of what type of transcription you use, I will work on the first 5 to 10 minutes of the full audio transcript and send you a copy to check and approve, before doing the full audio. That way you can be sure that you receive the service you want and are happy with it all.

Full Verbatim

For this type of transcription, you get the full content of your audio in text format. That means I will NOT remove any:

  • fill words, e.g. all ums, uhs, errs, sort ofs, you knows, etc.;
  • false starts, e.g. “I was really… that is… I… I was so surprised by the great result.”;
  • repetitions, e.g. “I did, I did get a great service.”;
  • grammatical mistakes, e.g. “would of”;
  • affirmatives and negatives, e.g. uh-huhs and mm-mmms.

All inaudible audio will be transcribed as “(inaudible)”.

As there are so many extra words to type, this service costs £1.00 per minute of audio, rounded up. So for 55 minutes and 10 seconds of audio, the cost would be £56.00.

Clean Verbatim

Here the transcribed audio will not include every single word, but will be text that you might expect to see in written dialogue, in a book for example. That means I WILL completely remove all:

  • fill words, e.g. all ums, uhs, errs, sort ofs, you knows, etc.;
  • false starts, e.g. “I was really… that is… I… I was so surprised by the great result.”;
  • repetitions, e.g. “I did, I did get a great service.”.

I will also:

  • correct grammatical mistakes, e.g. “would of” will be replaced with “would have”;
  • replace every “uh-huh” with “yes” and every “mm-mmm” with “no”;
  • transcribe all inaudible audio as “(inaudible)”.

However, slang words and colloquialisms will be kept, e.g. “gotcha”, “yeah”, “yup”, etc. will be kept unchanged.

As there are now less words to type, this service costs only £0.85 per minute of audio, rounded up. So for 55 minutes and 10 seconds of audio, the cost would be £47.60.

Editorial Transcription

If you want to publish your audio as an article on your blog, your website or in a magazine, I can transcribe your audio and then edit it so that:

  • it is grammatically correct;
  • all slang words and colloquialisms are replaced with their proper equivalents, e.g. “gotcha” will become “I understand”, “yeah” and “yup” will become “yes”, etc.;
  • inaudible audio will be removed completely and an attempt made to create a sensible piece of writing;
  • when speakers talk over each other, sentences will be removed completely or rearranged to create an ordered and clean result.

The end result will be very high quality and require additional editorial effort, making this service work out at £2.00 per minute of audio, rounded up. So for 55 minutes and 10 seconds of audio, the cost would be £112.00.

Please note: I will not accept audio that has been sped up or has had silences removed. I will only accept audio that represents natural speech spoken by a person and is at least 30 minutes long.

If you have any questions or would like a quote, please contact me.

I can also offer closed caption and subtitle services to add the transcribed audio to your video.

Find out more

Work Samples

Here is an example of the work I have done for one of my customers: